About Charlie

📬 hi@charliehoehn.com

Charlie Hoehn is the founder of Author Alliance, the world's first program to combine traditional publishing processes with A.I. tools. With 15 years of experience in publishing, he has worked with or advised many of the world's top thought leaders, including Tim Ferriss, Ramit Sethi, Codie Sanchez, James Clear, David Goggins, Tucker Max, Seth Godin, Gary Vaynerchuk, Magatte Wade, Chase Jarvis, and Michael Ovitz (former CEO of Disney).

Charlie is a 3-time author and New York Times bestselling editor. His book Play It Away, was praised by Andrew Huberman as "Fantastic," as well as Tony Robbins, who called the book “The cure to your stress!” Charlie's first book, Recession Proof Graduate, was called "Epic for people starting out, or starting over” on The Tim Ferriss Show. His writing on work-life integration has reached millions of people.

Previously, Charlie was Tim Ferriss’ first full-time hire. For three years, he was Tim's Director of Special Projects. Together, they launched The 4-Hour Body to #1 New York Times, #1 Barnes & Noble, and #1 Amazon overall. The book has since gone on to sell millions of copies.

With two decades of experience, Charlie is also a creative director and video editor. Previously, he was Head of Multimedia for Scribe Media, where he produced over 500 videos and 300 podcast episodes — including two viral sizzle reels for David Goggins, and courses enrolled in by more than 20,000 students. To date, he's created six viral videos, with more than a million views each.

Charlie is a keynote speaker, who’s presented to groups at Microsoft, PepsiCo, the Pentagon, U.S. Military, Stanford, New Canaan Society, TEDx, and HEC Paris (#1 business school in Europe). His ideas on work-play integration have been featured on NPR’s TED Radio Hour, Fast Company, Forbes, Financial Times, Huberman Lab, Chase Jarvis Live, TEDx, and many others.

My Personal Bio

Oh, hello there! I didn’t see you come in.

I’m Charlie. I’m a dad living in Austin, TX, with my lovely wife and two daughters (soon to be three!) They are awesome, hilarious, and so loving. They’re the best.

There’s more to my story, but the stuff that’s most interesting to people tends to be related to the books I’ve written, or the great people I've worked with. So I’m leaving the rest of that stuff out for now.

If you’re interested in connecting, feel free to reach out:

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