1 min read

A free idea for Sheraton

The Pod Hotel is a trendy hotel in Manhattan. But what makes it really unique is actually its online experience. Why aren’t more hotels doing this? STEAL THIS IDEA!
A free idea for Sheraton
Photo by Stefano Vigorelli / Unsplash

The Pod Hotel is a trendy hotel in Manhattan.  But what makes it really unique is actually its online experience – specifically the forums – where guests can share their itineraries and get in touch with other guests months before they ever set foot in the hotel.


How often do we spend time in a hotel, see a bunch of fun-looking guests walking by us in the lobby, but ultimately exchange just a few words in the elevator?  If only we had a more natural way of meeting them!

Having a forum is like a social lubricant for this hotel.  The guests are more likely to interact with each other once they get there and will consequently have a great time.

People are social animals.  Any idea that will make this world feel more connected/intimate is a good thing.

Why aren’t more hotels doing this?  STEAL THIS IDEA!