Need a job? I’m hiring.
I‘m hiring an assistant. Before you fill out the application, please read the entire post.
I need someone who’s great at sales to help me spread my two core messages: how to create your dream career, and how to motivate Gen Y at work. I‘ll be doing more speaking over the next year, and I need an assistant who can help facilitate and manage those gigs.

If you’re interested in working part-time for a few hours each week, and you EXCEL at sales and email/phone communication, then consider the job below…
Why This Job Matters
I strongly believe in my messages, because I’ve personally seen them change — and occasionally save — people’s lives. I also believe that if these messages reach enough people, they can change the world.
Every single day this year, I’ve received emails from people who’ve struggled with anxiety, loneliness, burnout, and chronic stress. My articles and my book Play It Away have fortunately helped thousands, but there are still millions of people who are suffering in silence. On top of that, U.S. companies are losing $200 Billion EVERY YEAR due to lost productivity from burnout. Our most valuable asset — people — is unwittingly being destroyed, and it’s causing our collective health and happiness to deteriorate. This is a major problem that can be fixed with simple solutions.
I've seen these techniques work, time and time again, and they can literally prevent people from committing suicide. Nothing is more important than giving people hope, community, and laughter… and I want to help the millions of people who are silently suffering. Plus, I‘m fully confident that I can double any company’s employee retention rate — and improve their overall health — with a few simple changes.
As for my other message… My process for creating dream careers has been shared with more than 300,000 people over the last several years. Young students, graduates, and adults all over the world contact me regularly to share their stories of how they were able to intelligently create meaningful jobs for themselves… And yet, millions of people get out of school, immediately panic, and start blasting out their resume in hopes of landing ANY paycheck. This leads to jobs we barely tolerate, and years of disappointment, resentment, and the feeling of being prisoner to choices we made years ago in desperation.
If we can show more people how to seek and create work they love, the world will change — with rippling effects that last for generations. We’ll be more motivated to do better work, and we’ll all feel more free.
The Job Description
I need someone who can help me aggressively spread these messages. For the next 12 months,I'm going to be doing more live speaking — keynotes and workshops. I need an assistant who is willing to spend 1-3 hours per day contacting and following up with leads to book gigs on my behalf. This job is not for the timid; it’s a sales job so you need to be aggressive. In short, I need you to be this guy.
The job is a straightforward process:
- Create a list of desirable speaking opportunities,
- Get the contact information for the event planner(s) of each venue,
- Send them a pitch email on my behalf, using a script I provide,
- If they don’t respond, follow up via phone 2-3 days later,
- When they’ve confirmed interest in hiring me, send them my proposal,
- Get them to commit, and I'll handle the rest.
I don’t have time to chase and follow up with so many leads, so this is a great opportunity if you are an organized person who can copy/paste emails, call people, and make deals happen.
The Pay + Benefits
To start, you will earn 10% of every speaking gig you help facilitate. A typical speaking gig will pay $8,000-12,000 (but can go up to $30,000+). That means if I book an $8,000 gig, you make $800.
Granted, this is a LOT of emailing, calling, and following up before you manage to land a lead. But if you work efficiently for 90 minutes per day during the week, then end up booking two $8K gigs in one month, you’ll effectively make $50+ per hour.
Additionally: If you do an awesome job and prove you are RELIABLE and GET RESULTS, I will be more than happy to both mentor you and make introductions to awesome folks. But this job isn’t easy and may not pay off immediately (getting leads is a lot of work), so you have to really believe in what you’re doing to stick with this.
How to Apply
If you’re interested in this job, please fill out this application.
Applications are due Sunday, October 19th @ Midnight CDT. After my team and I have reviewed all the apps, we’ll select finalists for a Skype interview.
Thanks! Looking forward to connecting :)
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