Charlie Hoehn

Charlie Hoehn

Author of Play It Away. Keynote speaker. Creative Director.
How I Learned to Love Brazilians

How I Learned to Love Brazilians

You know how your money goes further in some countries? Well, so does your ability to attract the opposite sex. I knew this intuitively, but had never actually experienced it. And then, I went to South America.
12 min read
The 5-month break comes to an end

The 5-month break comes to an end

Oh, hey again.  I know, it’s been awhile. I’ve been building up a large collection of random thoughts and sticking them in the reserves for future posts. Here we go...
9 min read
A faster way to find better resources

A faster way to find better resources

Finding the most useful and relevant resources on the web is easy: just use Google… right? Well in my experience, there's a faster and easier way.
3 min read

Groundhog Day

I love the movie “Groundhog Day“; it’s brilliant.  And oddly enough, I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately.  I’ll explain, but first, some background: As Phil relives the same 24 hours over and over, he makes minor tweaks in every interaction so that he can squeeze as much out of people as possib
2 min read
Free idea: How to combine free work and travel

Free idea: How to combine free work and travel

If you want to travel for an extended period but can’t afford it, consider drafting up a proposal for the tourism company in the city you want to visit. If your proposal is truly outstanding, they might even be willing to cover the majority of your expenses.
1 min read
The easiest way to change your life

The easiest way to change your life

If you want to change your life, change your social circle. Spend as much time as you can with people who have achieved your desired state, and let them sculpt your views.
2 min read
“Feed me!”

“Feed me!”

At any other restaurant, the bill would come at the end of the meal, and the entire group would struggle to calculate how much each of them owed. At Ted’s, the bill looks a lot different...
1 min read
The 3^3 Project: 2009

The 3^3 Project: 2009

Around this time last year, I came up with 3^3 — an idea to endorse genuine word-of-mouth by promoting products and services that deserve recognition. Here is how it works...
3 min read
Looking back at the IHTSBIH Tour, Part 1 of 2

Looking back at the IHTSBIH Tour, Part 1 of 2

A big incentive for me going on tour was that it would force me to finally learn Final Cut Pro and become an expert with high-end cameras. Or as I put it in an earlier post, I was going to get paid to earn a film school-level education.
10 min read
Thoughts on tour

Thoughts on tour

I guess it’s hard for people to understand how much time goes into making these 2-minute clips. For each one, we get about three hours of footage...
3 min read