Charlie Hoehn

Charlie Hoehn

Author of Play It Away. Keynote speaker. Creative Director.
Follow me (in a non-creepy way)

Follow me (in a non-creepy way)

I always thought the “be sure to subscribe to my RSS feed” posts were kinda pointless. Who doesn’t know this stuff by now, right? Well, apparently a lot of people either don’t know or they just don’t do it.
1 min read
Unquestioned assumptions

Unquestioned assumptions

At 15, I noticed most adults, often unknowingly, shared superficial knowledge as experts. This affects impressionable youth who accept these 'facts' unquestioned. This perpetuates a cycle of misinformation, as the young grow up without the critical energy to challenge these beliefs.
2 min read
Who makes your decisions?

Who makes your decisions?

Reflecting on major past decisions reveals how often our choices were influenced by others—friends, partners, family. To avoid immediate discomfort, we sometimes make choices that cause future unhappiness. This pattern, once established, of living life on others' terms, is hard to break.
1 min read
3 Business Best-Sellers

3 Business Best-Sellers

I took this picture on my cell phone when I was in the ‘Business’ section at the Tattered Cover by my house. Caught me by surprise.
1 min read
Buy Low, Sell High

Buy Low, Sell High

This is the universal mantra for buying stocks, but it also needs to be your mantra when looking at potential employers. You’ll be investing your time and energy into a company, so you need to choose wisely.
4 min read
The Grad School Redemption

The Grad School Redemption

I know several people who are going into graduate school solely because they don’t know what else to do, and they’re not ready for the real world. I’d like to slap all of these people.
1 min read
Help Charlie win a contest (takes 10 seconds)

Help Charlie win a contest (takes 10 seconds)

If you’re not following me on Twitter, then you probably haven’t seen that I’m an applicant for 48 Hours in Denmark. I tried out because I’ve had my heart set on going there for almost two years — it’s been at the top of my travel to-do list.
1 min read
Email FAIL — 11 tips to improve your emails

Email FAIL — 11 tips to improve your emails

You suck at email. All of you. If you talked to people the way you emailed them, you would be pepper sprayed. The good news is: I’m here to help.
3 min read
The 1-year checkpoint

The 1-year checkpoint

Last year, post-graduation, I faced job rejection - a blessing in disguise. Accepting that job would have made me dependent on a paycheck, restricting my freedom to travel, start a company, or pursue side projects. That rejection saved me from getting stuck in an unsatisfying path.
4 min read
An open letter to Gen Y bloggers

An open letter to Gen Y bloggers

Dear bloggers who write about Generation Y constantly: Please stop. You’re embarrassing yourselves. The best-case scenario is that you got caught up in something that appeared to be edgy.
2 min read