Charlie Hoehn

Charlie Hoehn

Author of Play It Away. Keynote speaker. Creative Director.


How do you spot them? Easy.They focus on unimportant minutiae and miss the point entirely. My high school English teacher called J.K. Rowling a bad writer because her sentence structure wasn’t sophisticated enough for his taste. He missed the point.
1 min read
$2,500 Scholarship

$2,500 Scholarship

To anyone who isn’t aware of this: Ramit’s giving away $2,500. Don’t assume that Ramit gets tons of applications – everyone assumes that with scholarships and then only a few people end up applying.
1 min read
The art of polarization

The art of polarization

Trying to be everything to everyone is a recipe for failure. You have to decide who you will not market to. If no one is discontent and the response to your product is tepid, you screwed up.
1 min read
How to Hack Someone’s Mind

How to Hack Someone’s Mind

In 2008, I used Delicious Bookmarks to research my favorite authors, so I could pitch the idea of working with them… and it worked. Here’s how I did it.
2 min read
Why Obama’s Youtube channel sucks

Why Obama’s Youtube channel sucks

I was impressed when I first heard Obama was going to have a weekly videocast. It’s a great idea because Youtube is a very personal medium with tremendous reach. Unfortunately, Obama’s marketers seem to have overlooked that…
2 min read
A New Year’s Resolution you can keep

A New Year’s Resolution you can keep

I actually got this idea from Ramit. It really surprised me that I’d never considered it before. I’ve been doing it since January of 2008 and it has been tremendously valuable - Tracking your expenses.
2 min read
What 10,000 hours looks like

What 10,000 hours looks like

The most memorable theory in Outliers is that it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert in any field. If you want to see what a genuine guitar expert looks like (and I highly recommend you watch this), look no further...
1 min read


Every once in awhile, a little too much confidence sinks in. Confidence I don’t yet deserve. It courses through my veins, lifts my head upward, and amplifies my voice. This post is as much for you as it is for me. I’m 22, and I’m only beginning to figure this stuff out.
1 min read
The Future of Standup Comedy

The Future of Standup Comedy

Here is the biggest problem with comedians: They are paranoid about getting their material stolen. But I think this fear of joke-theft is actually hindering their success.
4 min read
You gotta have skills

You gotta have skills

It was a strange moment when I realized that every single skill I possessed that companies now hire me for are things I taught myself. That’s right — my college degree has not directly contributed to my career success. So which of my skills have really helped me?
3 min read