Charlie Hoehn

Charlie Hoehn

Author of Play It Away. Keynote speaker. Creative Director.
Why blog?

Why blog?

This is my 100th post. I honestly never intended to even have a blog, but we were required to start one for the internship with Seth. And you know what? It’s probably the best thing I’ve ever done for my career...
2 min read
Just do it… like Nike

Just do it… like Nike

Here’s a pretty good article about how Nike has leveraged their social network. Read along for my key takeaways...
1 min read
Why McCain’s online marketing sucked

Why McCain’s online marketing sucked

There’s no question that Obama’s marketing campaign was one of the most amazing, grandiose, and well-executed plans in the history of marketing. But I’m honestly tired of reading about it, so let’s talk about why McCain’s online campaign kinda sucked(*) and how you can avoid his mistakes.
3 min read
Social media for the enterprise

Social media for the enterprise

I was recently asked to do a guest post on social media for the enterprise. You can check out the article I wrote at either Josh Chandler’s site or Vator News.
For the love of god, put me through to a human

For the love of god, put me through to a human

I had to research some San Francisco movie theaters today – I can’t really say the reason for why I was doing this, but I was doing it for someone who needed specific info about theaters in the Bay area. Anyways…
1 min read
On success

On success

Settling for mediocrity (i.e. the status quo) is wildly unappealing to me, and I hope it always will be. Just finished Seth Godin’s “Tribes.” Here's my favorite quote...
1 min read
Ignite [your city]

Ignite [your city]

I just got back from Ignite Boulder. If you have one of these Ignite events in your city, GO! Or better yet, organize one yourself. It’s a lot of fun, and we drank quite a bit of free beer…
1 min read
How to improve Hulu

How to improve Hulu

I love Hulu. In exchange for letting me watch high-quality, streamed episodes of “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” for free, I’m required to sit through one short commercial during every regular commercial-slot interval. I’m not annoyed by this at all.
2 min read
“One shot, one kill” marketing

“One shot, one kill” marketing

Our society is addicted to the quick fix. Immediacy. Instant gratification. Quick, single-use throwaways. One shot, one kill. Having these unrealistic expectations leads to disappointment and boredom.
2 min read
A free idea for Sheraton

A free idea for Sheraton

The Pod Hotel is a trendy hotel in Manhattan. But what makes it really unique is actually its online experience. Why aren’t more hotels doing this? STEAL THIS IDEA!
1 min read