Why blog?
This is my 100th post. I honestly never intended to even have a blog, but we were required to start one for the internship with Seth. And you know what? It’s probably the best thing I’ve ever done for my career...
Why McCain’s online marketing sucked
There’s no question that Obama’s marketing campaign was one of the most amazing, grandiose, and well-executed plans in the history of marketing. But I’m honestly tired of reading about it, so let’s talk about why McCain’s online campaign kinda sucked(*) and how you can avoid his mistakes.
For the love of god, put me through to a human
I had to research some San Francisco movie theaters today – I can’t really say the reason for why I was doing this, but I was doing it for someone who needed specific info about theaters in the Bay area. Anyways…
On success
Settling for mediocrity (i.e. the status quo) is wildly unappealing to me, and I hope it always will be. Just finished Seth Godin’s “Tribes.” Here's my favorite quote...
Ignite [your city]
I just got back from Ignite Boulder. If you have one of these Ignite events in your city, GO! Or better yet, organize one yourself. It’s a lot of fun, and we drank quite a bit of free beer…
How to improve Hulu
I love Hulu. In exchange for letting me watch high-quality, streamed episodes of “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” for free, I’m required to sit through one short commercial during every regular commercial-slot interval. I’m not annoyed by this at all.
“One shot, one kill” marketing
Our society is addicted to the quick fix. Immediacy. Instant gratification. Quick, single-use throwaways. One shot, one kill. Having these unrealistic expectations leads to disappointment and boredom.
A free idea for Sheraton
The Pod Hotel is a trendy hotel in Manhattan. But what makes it really unique is actually its online experience. Why aren’t more hotels doing this? STEAL THIS IDEA!