7 Lessons Learned from Hosting Recess for Adults
Everyone says they want to want to work less and have more fun… but is that really true? I started a meetup called “The Recess Project” to find out.
How to Be a Better Friend
My late 20's unfold, unveiling a sorrowful truth: scarce encounters with cherished friends. Occasional rendezvous remain unsatisfying amidst busyness we embrace. Burdened by stress and haste, the year concludes, counting mere glimpses shared, a testament to our fleeting togetherness.
The Best Way to Get a Job: The TAG Method
Discover the fastest path to your dream job. Skip tedious applications and resume tweaks. Learn from billionaires, master networking, and unleash your potential. Embrace a game-changing approach and secure your future effortlessly.
Tony Hsieh Quotes on Happiness
Reflecting on 'Delivering Happiness', Tony Hsieh's words resonate deeply: “I made a list of my happiest periods - none involved money. It dawned on me, happiness lies in creativity, inventiveness, and building things.”
How Cary Miller Chose to Play for a Living
Cary Miller, founder of The Voice Within, shared a poignant tale. After quitting her job, selling all possessions, and relocating at 30, he lived with his parents, feeling like a failure, aimless. Here's her enlightening journey...
Why Aristotle was fascinated by play
"Ludere est contemplari" translates to "to play is to contemplate," implying even watching play can lead to contemplation. Aristotle in his 'Politics' posits that our closest encounter with contemplation is often through play...
What is the Best Medicine?
When you look at a bird, you know it’s made to fly. When you look at a fish, you know it’s made to swim. When you look at a human, you know it’s made to walk. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, said that “walking is the best medicine."
Who Will You Become?
You have instant and free access to ALL of mankind’s information, coupled with the most powerful communication devices in history. Kings, presidents, and rulers would have killed to be in your position… but they were never as powerful as you. So, what do you choose to do with this privilege?
How to Avoid Divorce and Love Your Job
For awhile, I was amazed by how many couples get divorced (50%!), and how many people hated their jobs (90%?). And for awhile, I thought that marriage and jobs were the problem. I don't buy that anymore...
The Real Reason You Check Facebook
The media we choose is a form of self-selected medicine. It allows us to have emotions and experiences that we can’t easily access on our own. Often times it’s because they have been suppressed...