Charlie Hoehn

Charlie Hoehn

Author of Play It Away. Keynote speaker. Creative Director.
You don’t need permission

You don’t need permission

Time and time again, someone will explain one of their lifelong dreams to me, then casually dismiss it as “unrealistic” or “way too hard.” People are making excuses because they think they need permission from somebody to accomplish their goals. It’s nonsense.
1 min read
Ask yourself…

Ask yourself…

Would anyone honestly care if you ceased to exist? If no one would, how can you change that? What are the few things you could start doing that would be a dream come true for your customers? It’s something to think about.
1 min read
“The Credit Crisis” explained

“The Credit Crisis” explained

This video gives an extremely lucid explanation of the credit crisis. If you’re still confused about what’s going on, it will clear things up for you in 10 minutes. Thanks to Ryan Stephens for pointing it out.
Your Funeral Playlist

Your Funeral Playlist

Some of my friends know I have a playlist on my iPod called “Funeral.” It consists of the songs I imagine being played at, you guessed it, my funeral. Not that I’m planning on offing myself or dying anytime soon; it’s just something I tend to think about every now and then.
2 min read
Let me give you some advice

Let me give you some advice

When friends are looking to vent their problems, a lot of us tend to jump straight into giving them advice. You know where they’re going wrong, so why not save them a lot of time and just tell them? The problem with this is that it doesn’t work.
1 min read
Getting more positive reviews on Amazon

Getting more positive reviews on Amazon

Imagine you're an author releasing a new book. Offer it free to those who pre-order and write an Amazon review (100+ words, positive or negative). Refund them once the review is posted. It's an effective, affordable strategy to garner early attention upon release.
How to Market Australia

How to Market Australia

Before this, I’d never really considered going to the Great Barrier Reef. I’ve always wanted to travel around Australia, but I never thought much about the GBR. Now I’m looking at pictures of it, seeing how beautiful it is, and actually doing research on what it’s like.
3 min read
A free idea for college kids

A free idea for college kids

Someone needs to create the Napster of college textbooks. It’d be illegal, and it’d be difficult to pull off, but someone needs to start it. Here’s how...
2 min read
The ABC rip-off

The ABC rip-off

I was recently tipped off to this story about how ABC stole a concept from a popular Youtube series. Basically, these guys (called The Fine Bros) make mini-‘Lost’ episodes with action figures. ABC decided to run with their idea and create an identical web series in-house.
1 min read
Giving gifts = Marketing

Giving gifts = Marketing

How good are you at giving gifts? Has a recipient of one of your gifts ever cried tears of joy after seeing what you’ve given them? Or are the responses to your gifts always lukewarm? Give people what they actually want, not just what you like and think they want.
2 min read