Piggybacking trust
Telling somebody how great you are isn’t convincing. In order for them to believe your assertion, you either have to prove it repeatedly with your actions or you can piggyback on trust. Here’s how to do the latter...
Want an Ivy League education?
Check out Academic Earth. Thanks to Bjoern for the tip.
I was talking with a guy the other day who has been running a successful video editing business for many years now. He was telling me about their methods and why they’d been able to do so well, when he said something that really surprised me. Here's what he said...
A blueprint for musicians
If I was a really talented musician with great songs, I’d be focused on building my online fan base. Once I built up a substantial fan base that loved my music, I would offer them a free but exclusive one-hour concert via UStream. Here's what I'd do next...
The importance of curiosity
My curiosity has gotten me farther than anything else — more than skill, more than my degree, and more than knowing “the right people.” So don’t ever tell your kids that curiosity killed the cat. At least the cat was happy.
A free idea for Comcast
When someone subscribes to an entire TV series, they’re essentially joining that show’s permission asset. So why aren’t these shows marketing more aggressively to their subscribers? Comcast needs to give their viewers another option when they subscribe to a series.
Think Different TV
Ben recently launched a cool project called ‘Think Different TV.’ I’ve watched both episodes and they’re solid. You could do a lot worse than spending your time watching these, so be sure to check them out.
No idols
If I asked all of you to make a list of the ten people who should be idolized due to their tremendous accomplishments and impact on the human race, I’m willing to bet many of you would put Einstein on your list. Yet he emphasizes that no man should be idolized.
I’ve been a fan of What Would Tyler Durden Do for a few years now, and I have actually convinced a few of my girl friends that if they’re going to waste their time reading stupid celebrity gossip, they might as well do it through that site.
Sell the messenger
People often fear revealing themselves online due to potential judgment. Yet, sharing personal views, though open to critique, also engages others. Establishing trust on a personal level, like through my "What's Hoehn like?" page, promotes authenticity. Selling the messenger simplifies things.